Wednesday, June 25, 2008

ramblin' (wo)man

Travel is better than staying put.
Travel plus music is better than everything,

I haven't mentioned it yet, but I am in the midst of a crazy few weeks of said travel and music. My family just got back from four days in Las Vegas, and I'm leaving town again tomorrow. The Vegas trip was for my aunt's wedding, but we did a lot of sightseeing and I thoroughly enjoyed the trip. My favorite things were seeing a Cirque du Soleil show, the fountains and conservatory at Bellagio, wandering the amazing casinos like Paris and New York New York, and looking in the windows of dozens of stores I will never be able to afford. I hope to write about it later, but I don't have time now.

Anyway, the next week and a half or so are completely packed, with two separate major roadtrips. The first is a trip to Summerfest, the huge music festival up in Milwaukee, and the second is 3-show Lifehouse roadtrip. You know how I do. Here's the rough outline of where I'll be and what I'll be doing in the near future:

June 26th: Work, finish packing, meet Amanda in Lafayette, and spend the night at my aunt's.

June 27th: Drive to Milwaukee for our first day of Summerfest, promote Cavashawn around the grounds, see them play at 3, and stick around all day to catch other bands. (Alternate Routes at 5:30, and I don't know who else right now. None of the headliners are very appealing that day.)

June 28th: Second day at Summerfest. Definitely seeing We The Living at 5:30. As for other bands, probably Julie Moffitt at 3, Stepanian at 4, Dashboard Confessional at 10, and maybe some John Mellencamp at 8 if we decide to try for free wristbands for lawn seats to that one.

June 29th: Third day at Summerfest. Definitely seeing Jack's Mannequin at 10. WTL is also headlining at 10, but sorry guys. Never gotten to see Jack's before. I don't know who else we're going to see that day.

June 30th: Drive back to Indiana.

July 1st: Work. Get off at 3. Go to Chicago to see Cavashawn at Schuba's with the parents, and meeting Amanda there. Yeah, I know, seems pointless to go when we will have just seen them, but this is a big show for them.

July 2nd: Work. Pack.

July 3rd: Work. Speed to Bloomington with Mom (stopping in Indy to pick up Ama) for Lifehouse at the Bluebird. Drive back up to Lafayette and spend the night there.

July 4th: Drive to Chicago area to see Lifehouse play in Itasca. Meet up with gazillions of Lifehouse fans from all over the country. Fireworks. Drive to Milwaukee that night.

July 5th: Lifehouse in Milwaukee. It's Jason's birthday, hence the big meeting of LH fans from all over. Should be a great show, fun reunion, good times.

July 6th: Drop Mom off somewhere in Michigan so she can go boating with their friends. Drive Ama back to Indy, and drive home.

If you're keeping track, and think of one day of Summerfest as being one show (even though it's several), then we're talking 7 shows in 9 days here. That is insane. I am insane. I love it.

I need to pack...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

a year? really?

June 19th, 2007, was a disgustingly hot day. I know this because on that day, I was sitting in the sun on the sidewalk outside The Lawn at White River State Park in Indianapolis, waiting to see The Fray with Mae and OK Go. Amanda, my parents, and my aunt were there as well. It was also the day that the newest Lifehouse album came out. It was also the day that, as we roasted slowly in line for the show, we heard my mother say "Hey... see those guys over there? They look like they're in a band." As it turns out, she was right. They approached everyone in line with an iPod, introduced themselves as a band from Wisconsin passing through town, and asked people to listen to the music. We liked it, we bought CDs, we thought they were darling, and we took a picture. Three days later, Amanda and I saw them play in a YMCA to a crowd of about 7, and took them to Steak 'n' Shake. We went home that thinking they were absolutely wonderful, but didn't think anything like that would happen again, or if we'd ever see them again. Thankfully, we were wrong. The rest, you might say, is History.

Yep. A year ago today, we met We The Living.

[Hot. Sweaty. Awesome.]

There's so much I could say... so much.
But I prefer to keep it short and sweet this time.
Sometimes, a series of events combine to make things happen.
You meet people by chance, and you wonder where it will go.
You realize a year later that you can't imagine life without them.
You see them change and grow and succeed.
You try to help them out along the way.
You attempt to sort through the transition from fan to friend.
You meet other friends along the way who you adore.
You learn from them, and hope that they've learned something from you.
And you look back and marvel at how unbelievably different your life would be if two guys from some band hadn't stopped and said "Hi... would you like to listen to our music?"

Everything happens for a reason.
That day was no exception.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

small town police reports

Anyone who grew up in a small-to-medium Midwestern town is likely to tell you that there are certain advantages and disadvantages of living in said small towns. In my case, despite a population of 13,000, we lack a Walmart and a Starbucks. Disadvantage. However, the quirks of small town life can be great. For instance, we have a sweet youth circus I was a part of for five years. Advantage. The perks and pitfalls are all a matter of perspective. For instance, a great deal of amusement can be obtained from the sheer ridiculousness of a town's residents. Some people are disgusted. I just laugh. Case in point?

The weekend police reports.

Hi-lar-i-ous. I hadn't read our paper in awhile, but I was scanning Monday's edition and my eyes landed on the police reports from Friday through Sunday. I felt I had to share some of them. The following reports are taken word-for-word from the Monday, June 9th edition of the Peru Tribune.

Friday, June 6th

*At 4:40 p.m. a caller from the 600 block of West Main Street told the PPD cars were driving on the sidewalk. [This is MAIN Street. It's a main street. Cars... on... the sidewalk.]

*At 5:06 p.m. a caller from the 200 block of East Eighth Street told the PPD a male left some stuff in his yard. [What exactly is "stuff"? A dirty sock? A bag of trash? A mobile meth lab?]

Saturday, June 7th

*At 4:47 a.m. a caller from Warren and Armstrong told the PPD there was a drunk subject outside with a chainsaw. [I have no words for this.]

*At 6:49 a.m. a caller from the 11900 block of South 100 West told the MSCO there was a calf in the road. [There are at least 3 reports like this every day.]

*At 10:59 a.m. a caller from the 500 block of Jefferson told the PPD there was a dying raccoon in her yard. [I'm sorry officer, could you hit it with a shovel or something?]

*At 11:09 a.m. a caller from the first block of West Franklin told the PPD someone took a chainsaw and cut his picnic table in half. [This seemed like too much of a coincidence, so I figured our friend from 4:47 a.m. was involved. I wasn't familiar with those streets so I consulted Yahoo Maps. The red dot is the intersection of Warren and Armstrong. The blue line is the first block of West Franklin. Pretty much right next door. Gotcha, drunk chainsaw guy. Gotcha.]

Sunday, June 8th

*At 10:44 a.m. a caller from the 300 block of West Sixth Street told the PPD she found a snake in her bushes and she thought it was suspicious because she never saw a snake there before. [That cannot possibly be real. Then again, not too many crank calls occur before noon on a Sunday. Ohhh dear.]

*At 1:28 a.m. a caller from the 400 block of South Yorick told the MCSO she found two homemade bombs in her yard. [I weep for my city.]

So, there you have it. If you like drunken chainsaw picnic table massacres, cows in the road, dying raccoons, snakes, and cars on the sidewalk, then spend your next weekend in Peru, Indiana. We've got all that... and more.

Monday, June 9, 2008

sold my soul to rock and roll

So as I'd mentioned, we went down to Cincinnati on Friday to see the show with Ha Ha Tonka, Treaty of Paris, and Cavashawn. Mom picked me up from work at 4, with a full tank of gas and an early fast food dinner (so healthy when we're on the road). We made it to Cincinnati by 7:30, and found out that doors had been pushed to 8. Amanda and Ashley were parked in the same garage as us, so I went and hung out in Ama's car until we went to the theater. When we got there at 8, doors still weren't open yet. It was hot out, so when we finally got let in, the air conditioning was great. The Madison Theater was a pretty cool place, and bigger than where Cavashawn usually plays. The place was kind of set in tiers, which makes for better viewing, depending on where you sit. There was an open area up by the stage, and some tables further back, then tables on each level up after that. We decided on a table on the second tier to start with, and settled in to watch.

Ha Ha Tonka played first. I had only listened to them a little bit before the show, and I apparently didn't give them enough of a chance. I wasn't expecting to like them, but I ended up enjoying their set a lot. I'm not even really sure how to describe them, but they were quite good. They sang a really cool a cappella song called "Hangman" and it was great. Their bass player seemed straight out of the 70s, and somehow managed to hold a cigarette in his hand while he was actually playing. Cancerous, but impressive. Their last song was hilarious, it may have been a cover, but it was a catchy little hillbilly number about a "12-inch, 3-speed, oscillating fan." I meant to go talk to them but never did, unfortunately.

Treaty of Paris played next. I had been listening to them for about a week, and had talked to Phil (one of the guitarists) via their myspace, so I was really looking forward to seeing them play and meeting them. They did not disappoint. Amanda and Ashley wanted to stay sitting down since they didn't know any of the ToP tunes, so Mom went down to stand by the stage with me. Their set was excellent, and they had so much energy onstage. They have a lead singer (Mike), two guitarists (Phil and Dan), a drummer (Chris), and a bass player (Nick). Nick is brand new to the band, and it was his first show playing with them. You couldn't tell though, he seemed to fit right in. I'm too lazy to list all the songs they played, but they did play "Quits," which I absolutely love, so that was exciting. I wish I'd known their songs better, but I know them now, so next time I'll be good to go. Anyway, they were fantastic and I decided I need to see them again.

We decided to stay put for Cavashawn's set, and Amanda and Ashley came down to join us. There was a decent size crowd there by the time they played, and a lot of their family and friends, so that was cool for them. It was weird seeing them play on a tall stage in a bigger place, since all the other times the venues have been smaller, but it was also awesome. They played a really great show with a ton of energy, and we had fun. Again, I'm too lazy to list all the songs, but they played the new song "All the Lonely Girls" again, which we love. They also played a brand new song called "I'll Leave the Light On," which I really liked. It has a bit of a 50s vibe to it, which is always awesome. And of course they played "Background," which is just a great song. Scott actually sat on the front of the stage to sing it, so that was fun as well. They ended up coming out for an encore as well, like rockstars. Love that.

After Cavashawn's set, we decided to go in search of Treaty of Paris. That wasn't hard at all, since they were all back by their merch. We got CDs, then hung around to talk to them for awhile. They were all incredibly nice. I figured they would be, but I wasn't totally sure of what to expect, since their video blogs indicated they may be slightly less, er, "well-behaved" compared to our other bands. Nothing to worry about though, they were awesome guys. We stood around talking with them forever, but I can't for the life of me remember half of what we discussed. It was a fun time, though. We ended up being filmed several times by their digital camera, and I pray that nothing hideous of me ends up in a video blog. I will definitely be seeing them again sometime (preferably many more times) but none of their current tour dates work out for me. Hopefully some more dates will be posted for the summer, because I will definitely travel to see them if I have to. I'll probably bake them something next time too... they're not jerks and they got my seal of approval, so they get food. We took a few pics with them, and went in search of all the Cavashawn guys to say a quick goodbye, since they were pretty occupied with friends and fam and we didn't want to interrupt.

[L to R: Phil, Amanda, Mike, Dan, Me, Nick, Ashley, Chris]

It took us awhile to say goodbye to all the guys, since they were all over the place. We did eventually find them all, met Scott's mom and some of Jesse's family, and talked with everyone for awhile. On our way out I found all the ToP guys to say goodbye, and promised to keep in touch and make it to some more shows. I intend to keep that promise... I miss them already.

The drive home wasn't too bad. We went through some rain, and I couldn't really sleep, so that was a little unfortunate. We got home shortly before 4 a.m. and I crashed as soon as possible. When my alarm went off at 6, my first thought was "ohdearlordno" and I went back to sleep for another 15 minutes. I did manage to get up eventually and made it to work on time, and for the most part, I was too busy at work to be tired. After I got home, we went to a graduation party, then I went to take a nap and instead I slept from 4 til 10. Whoopsies, there goes my sleeping pattern again. Oh well, it was totally worth it. A concert with a fave band AND a great new band, together? Yeah, I'll take that over sleep anyday.

Currently listening to: Treaty of Paris - "Why Am I Still Broke?"

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Heaven help me... I have signed up for Twitter.

Twitter is a site that lets you tell people what you're doing at any given time. It is essentially just as creepy as it sounds, but also kind of fun. You can update it via the web or text message, and since I just upgraded to unlimited texting on my phone, I can send updates as often as I like. I suppose it's good for when you're away from home, without the internet, and want to keep people informed. If your friends have it, you can "follow" their twitter and get updates via text, if you so choose. I don't really know anyone that uses it though, other than Cavashawn, so I don't know how useful this will be. Basically, it's yet another site to waste my time and open the door to Internet stalkers. Hooray, stalkers!

Anyway, my page can be found at
I also put it in my sidebar of this blog under "What Am I Doing?"
If anyone else decides to join this foolish thing, let me know.

Currently listening to: Treaty of Paris - "Rollerskates"

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

rainy days and mondays

After one of the chilliest springs I can remember, Indiana has finally decided to heat up a little bit. By that, I mean it's suddenly in the upper 80s after being in the low 60s for the majority of May. This sudden increase in temperature has been accompanied by some major thunderstorms and weird clouds. Since I now carry my camera in my purse with me everywhere I go, I documented the somewhat turbulent sky in the past few days as I've driven home in the afternoons.

It's raining a bit right now, and there's definitely some thunder, but the worst went to the north of us. Actually, the worst of the storms almost always seem to split around my town. I think it has something to do with the river. I can't complain though, I'd rather not deal with any tornadoes, thankyouverymuch. I love thunderstorms, but the love does not extend to funnel clouds and flying cows and projectile barn fragments.

On a completely unrelated note, I did a dingbat thing on Monday. I could have sworn I had to work every day this week except Thursday, so I arrived at work on Monday... to learn that I was wrong. I wasn't scheduled to work at all on Monday! Genius. I'm a genius. My boss didn't care, so I stuck around almost all day to take care of some things, then bailed at 2 because I was tired. I felt like an idiot, but at least I'll get paid for some extra hours. From now on, I'm double-checking the calendar before I go to bed at night. I don't work tomorrow, so I'm going to get the oil changed in my car and take care of some stuff around the house. I'm looking forward to Friday... Mom is picking me up right from work and we're speeding down to Cincinnati (3.5 hours) to see Cavashawn. This is a big show for them and they really want a lot of people to be there, so I refused to miss it. Time will be tight but we'll make it. The main problem is that I also have to work Saturday at 7:30am. Thankfully, Mom is a trooper and agreed to drive home while I try to squeeze in some sleep. Crazy? For a normal person, yes. For me? Just another day...

Currently listening to: Ludo- "Such As It Ends"

Sunday, June 1, 2008

a little behind + a change + a video

There are so many things I have intended to write about recently, but I just can't seem to get around to it. For starters, there's the entire Los Angeles trip, and there is a lot to cover there. It was a fantastic trip as always, with a fun little surprise thrown in as well. Also, I saw Matt Nathanson and The Spill Canvas on Thursday, and haven't written about that either. We're going to be in Chicago tomorrow (today?) to visit with some family, so I guess it'll be a few days before I get to any of this. Lazy. I am lazy.

Also, I'm going to nix the whole "Song of the Week" on Tuesdays idea, because obviously, that little plan hasn't worked out so well. It seemed like a clever idea to highlight a song on the day that new music is always released, but I was always either really busy or really tired on Tuesdays. It wasn't a smart plan to limit myself to only one day of the week when I could write about a song. So, I'm switching to "Song of the Moment." That way, I'll just write about any song that I'm digging at any given time. If there are two songs I can't get enough of on a given day, so be it, I'll write about both. I don't know why I didn't just do it this way in the first place. This is no place for unnecessary self-imposed rules. Sheesh.

Also, since I'm not really writing about anything real, I'll leave you with the newest video from the We The Living blog. The video is technically about packing a suitcase, and features some great stop-motion animation. If you haven't checked out their blog yet, you really should. It's always entertaining.