Monday, December 22, 2008

oh the weather outside is [pain]ful

Only fitting for the first day of winter, I guess. I didn't even leave the house today. I have a lot to catch up on now that I'm home for Christmas break, but for now, here's some pictures of the icy mess that happened on Thursday night and Friday.

Brrrr. Stay warm, my friends. And be careful! I had a rather painful experience courtesy of Mother Nature. On Friday as we were leaving for Chicago, I slipped on the ice on the top step of our porch and proceeded to fall facefirst down the rest of the steps and slid a little. My right shin took most of the force. Thankfully I was carrying my coat, so my arms landed on it and didn't get scraped. My leg, however, is a different story.

Yeah, that's gonna leave a mark.

1 comment:

Jade said...


We started yesterday at 65, then it RAINED and we ended the day around the 30s