Thursday, February 14, 2008

happy valentine's day!

[Rose, taken February 2006, bouquet in our Hillenbrand Hall dorm room]

I just wanted to take a second to wish my friends and family a Happy Valentine's Day. Normally I'd make some bitter "Singles Awareness Day" comment, but honestly, it's not worth it. I'd rather just tell the people who matter that I love them and let it end at that.

I practically forgot this holiday was even coming up. I've been so busy lately that I even forgot to buy cards or valentines for friends. Today was a mess as well... I had weird frightening dreams last night, I hardly got any sleep, we got annihilated by a horrid pharmacokinetics exam tonight, and our apartment has a surprise guest. Specifically, a mouse. Maybe mice. We're not sure. Honestly, it doesn't bother me that much, but it apparently REALLY bothers everyone else. We set up some traps, and Cochran (the company who owns our complex) sent some people to patch up a little hole in the corner of the bathroom walls and such. Hopefully the situation will be taken care of soon enough. Our grades on that exam, however, can stay hidden for as long as possible for all I care.

Ah, well. Tomorrow is a new day. In the meantime, I send out all my love to those who matter to me. You all know who you are.

P.S.- It's now 12:30 a.m. and our friend Mike just brought by a white rose for each of us. Thanks dude, you can be nice when you really try ;-)

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