Monday, January 28, 2008

pop pop pop

I love to watch band video blogs/webisodes/etc. It's always interesting to catch a glimpse of how some of my favorite musicians act when they're not on stage. Granted, some of them may be a little staged or pre-planned, but they're still fun to watch, and some really are how they act. I suppose they fascinate me so much because I like to know about the people behind the music, and not just the music itself. And sometimes, it's just good to see how dorky my favorite bands really are.

For instance, I woke up to this little gem this morning...
Lifehouse as carnival workers.

Bands... they're just like us!
Unless they're Lifehouse.
Then they're a whole lot weirder.

[If you've never been around them in person before, Rick doesn't usually act quite so bizarre. This is a fairly intense display of what we refer to as "Old Rick," since he used to act goofy all the time but tends to be more subdued these days. This video would happen to be an exception.]

I'll share more of my favorite band videos as time goes on. Mute Math, Guster, Phantom Planet, and We The Living all have some pretty entertaining ones floating around ze interwebs.

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